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Leftover Bag Videos!


Leftover videos are videos produced by people out there who care about bags! They care about bags A-LOT!

Click to view the video - they will open in a new window.



"A Leftover Journey"

An epic journey through Brooke, Robin, and Danielle's interpretive dance with bags, bags, bags

By: Danielle Mcintosh, Brooke Van Bueren, Robin Lee

leftover journey video thumbnail




"Trash Talk"

Paper and Plastic duke it out for the title of best bag...until Canvas comes along...


By: Kate Hankins

Trash Talk video thumbnail




"ellie playing "

This young pup is apparently saving his loving family from the dreaded leftover plastic bag.


By: YouTube User

ellie playing bag video




"plastic bag "

A slice of Americana...



By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



"500 Billion Plastic Bags "

500 Billion Plastic Bags, is the number consumed annually, which is about a million a minute.

By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



"plastic bag TVC "

Raising awareness of plastic bags and their damaging properties on the environment.

By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



"escape from a plastic bag "

A futile attempt to escape from a plastic bag by piercing a hole in the bag for air. (Don't try this at home, especially if you are a baby)

By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



"plastic bags - just say NO! "

A video about the effects of plastic bags from delegates of an international children's summit on the environment.

By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



"I don't need a bag!!"

A video from The Abe Lincoln Story promoting the use of canvas bags in the supermarket. San Francisco banned plastic bags and Los Angeles is considering the same thing - is your city next?

By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



"Plastic bags in the news"

San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi introduced the nation's first ban on plastic bags in large grocery stores and pharmacies.

By: YouTube User

plastic bag video



We are always looking for more video content! If you have a bag-related video and would like to see it on leftoverbags.com, please send it to masterbagger@gmail.com











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