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Leftoverbags.com is proud to help spread the word through the world wide web. Below are some links which help to make the world wide web a place where people go.


Bag Links

Plastic Bag Hunters is a movement of epic proportions! The hunters are dedicated saving the poor lost bags and sharing their heroic tales for others to see. leftoverbags.com gives the Plastic Bag Hunters two thumbs up for their hard work!

Says no to plastic bags today! read about the GREAT program the Australian government has setup to cut bag leftoverness.

Crochet a quality reusable bag from leftover bags, neat!

About.com has some really great uses for bags people have submitted.

bagbed.com: These people wove plastic bags together to make a bed out of bags!

The Keychain Tote Bag: What an amazing invention! A bag that folds up into a little pouch you can carry on a keychain.

socialpages.com Good write up on bags here

reusablebags.com: Some bag information and things... but i hear they ship their reusable bags in... plastic bags? I just hope those bags don't end up leftover.


Other entertaining links

Creative Collectivity is my new favorite web site. Why you ask? Because it's awesome.

Become the center of rotation at HulaHoopla.org: Custom-hand made hula hoops for those of you that hoop while picking up leftover bags.

The Reverend Eddie Danger Just wants you to feeeeeel gooood.

Progressive Media is a super-cool company with super-cool stuff, and they don't leave bags leftover.

Chuck Norris is a frequent visitor to leftoverbags.com.

Elf Lettuce likes to pickup bags when not jamming.

Fat Maw Rooney just wants you to pickup leftover bags and put them to good use. We agree!

Bob Sagett will lead you to heaven... if you join his church (and pickup bags).

Urban Scooters are a great environmentally friendly way to get around. Yehaw!

And, Passed out wookies! Whaaaat!?


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